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Ecole doctorale OMI

The Organisations Marchés, Institutions (Organisations, Markets, Institutions) doctoral school (OMI, ED 530) is one of the eight doctoral schools (ED - École Doctorale) of the University of Paris-Est community of institutions (Comue UPE). It includes seven laboratories, three of which are co-habilitated by the two universities, UPEC (Université Paris-Est-Créteil-Val-de-Marne) and Gustave Eiffel University, and three others are UMRs (Unités Mixtes de Recherche – Mixed Research Units) that are also variously affiliated with the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - National Centre for Scientific Research), the École des ponts ParisTech and/or the INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique - National Institute of Agronomic Research).

Considering the wide range of disciplines taught within the doctoral school, including law, economics, management, practical philosophy, political science and sociology, the grouping around the themes Organisations, Markets and Institutions makes sense. These different disciplines, in their great diversity of approach, methods and culture, all study the dynamics of actors and organisations, the functioning of markets and such subjects as finance, public policies, environmental concerns, health, etc. The doctoral school strives to promote a multidisciplinary approach without questioning the disciplinary character of the thesis. Exchanges between PhD students from different backgrounds but working on the same subjects allow them to enrich their perspectives as well as to strengthen their disciplinary base insofar as they must justify and explain their approach and methods.

The doctoral school offers its PhD students cross-disciplinary training and training in qualitative and quantitative data processing software, as well as in document composition software. In addition to these training courses specific to the doctoral school, PhD students benefit from a range of training courses offered by the Department of Doctoral Studies (DED – Département des études doctorales). The doctoral school recommends in particular the training on ethical issues in social science research and the Winter School on the fundamentals of social science research which takes place over two years and is organised by ED OMI researchers. The research laboratories offer training in their different disciplines.

The doctorate is also organised around key moments such as the Jedomi (Journée des doctorant.e.s OMI), the OMI Doctoral Student Day, organised as a workshop during which first-year doctoral students present their thesis project to their peers under the watchful eye of senior researchers. Twice a year, the PhD students themselves organise a workshop to discuss their work on selected topics.

Together with the laboratories, the OMI doctoral school co-finances the missions of the PhD students who go to conferences to present their work. It also grants mobility and co-supervision grants for long stays abroad and fieldwork.

Courses offered by the Paris-Est doctoral studies department

Paris-Est Sup offers training courses to all its PhD students throughout their thesis:

- Professional training to prepare for the post-doctoral period

- Language training to prepare PhD students for their future career in a context of international mobility

- Teaching courses, mainly for PhD students on a doctoral contract with teaching assignments

These courses can be validated by the doctoral school to which the PhD students are attached (they must contact their doctoral school directly for information). View the training obligations.

How to register:

View the catalogue of the proposed training courses
Registration for a module is done directly through the catalogue (click on the “inscription”/registration button when available, or follow the instructions).

Please note that:

- When you register for a course you commit to attending classes for the duration of the entire course.
- If, however, exceptional circumstances were to prevent you from attending, you must inform the course leader as soon as possible.
- A course will not be validated in case of unexcused absences.