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The ERUDITE research team (ERUDITE:  Équipe de Recherche sur l'Utilisation des Données Individuelles en lien avec la Théorie Economique, i.e. "Research Team on the Use of Individual Data in relation to Economic Theory") aims to develop and promote research in economics within the PRES Paris-Est. It is a co-founding member of the CNRS Research Federation (FR 2042), Théorie et Évaluation des Politiques Publiques (TEPP, i.e. Theory and Evaluation of Public Policies).

ERUDITE is a research unit in applied economics specialised in the use of econometric techniques, the mobilisation of databases and the evaluation of public policies.

ERUDITE is composed of two internal teams under the supervision of the University of Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC) and the Université of Gustave Eiffel, both of which are founding members of Paris-Est Sup.

ERUDITE doctoral students belong to the Organisations, Marchés, Institutions (i.e. "Organisations, Markets, Institutions") doctoral school (OMI, ED 530).


Research Axes

The team is open to any researcher and teacher-researcher of the PRES Paris-Est engaged in research in one of the three axes that structure it:


Health and Social Policy

Health, work and ageing

Health policy

Population and environment

Social policy and inequalities

Sustainable City and
Labour Market

City and territory

Urban segregation


Employment policy

Business and globalisation

Firms: demography, innovation and law

Banking and finance

Development and social standards

International trade, factor mobility and environment


Laboratory Council

The Laboratory Council is composed of:
Director: Thomas Barnay (UPEC), Deputy Director: Mélika Ben Salem (Gustave Eiffel Univ)
Representatives of the research teachers:
Catherine Bros (Gustave Eiffel Univ), Vincent Bouvatier (UPEC), Karine Constant (UPEC), Hervé Defalvard (Univ Gustave Eiffel), Emmanuel Duguet (UPEC) and Sandrine Kablan (UPEC)
Representatives of the PhD students:
Justine Bondoux (UPEC) and Philomène Mbaye (Gustave Eiffel Univ)


University Professor

University of Paris-Est Créteil


Acting Director

University Professor

University of Paris-Est Créteil


Deputy Director

Mélika Ben Salem
University Professor

Gustave Eiffel University


News feed

ERUDITE Rules and Procedures

Download the Rules and Procedures


Faculty of Economics and Management

Place de la Porte des Champs
4 route de Choisy
94010 Créteil cedex


Bois de l'Etang

Aile B du bâtiment
Rue Galilée
77420 Champs-sur-Marne



Our supervision

University of Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne

With its 7 faculties, 8 schools and institutes, 1 observatory and 33 research laboratories, the University of Paris-Est Créteil has been present in all fields of knowledge since 1970. Its teacher-researchers, lecturers and over 3,000 temporary staff from public and private partners train over 36,000 students and workers of all ages every year.



Gustave Eiffel University

Cities and territories are constantly changing. Based on this observation, six educational and research institutions with recognised specialisations in the fields of sustainable cities are combining their skills and know-how to create a university of international standing and of a new kind: the Gustave Eiffel University. The result of a common history that began over 20 years ago, since 1st January 2020, this new institution brings together a university (UPEM), a research institute (IFSTTAR), a school of architecture (Éav&t) and three engineering schools (EIVP, ENSG and ESIEE Paris).