SMDES - Monthly seminars for doctoral students in health economics
Since October 2013 when he first set them up, Thomas Barnay has been running the SMDES(Séminaire mensuel des doctorants en économie de la santé) monthly seminars for doctoral students in health economics, that are held at the University of Paris-Est Créteil. These allow PhD students in health economics enrolled at Érudite “Health and social policies” research axis, to regularly present and discuss their work (thesis project, chapter project, articles in progress, preparation of conferences, pre-supervision, etc.) in front of the other doctoral students and ‘seniors’.
These 90-minute seminars are held either in French or English and are open to all interested lecturers, PhD students and Master 2 research students. They take place in the Economics Building of the UPEC Economics and Management Faculty.
If you wish to be kept informed of these seminars, you can write to: in order to validate your registration on the mailing list.
Seminars held since 2015 (du plus récent au plus ancien)
Wednesday 1st june, 3pm-4.30pm
The next SMDES (Monthly Seminar for Doctoral Students in Health Economics), organized remotely by ERUDITE on Teams (link), will be devoted exceptionally to a white thesis defensefocus on the theme:
"Effets des modes de rémunération et d'organisation des soins sur l'activité des médecins généralistes libéraux en France”
Christophe LOUSSOUARN, Doctorant ERUDITE, associé à l'IRDES
Wednesday 6th april, 3pm-4.30pm
Health Resilience to Late-career Unemployment: Evidence from Europe and the United States"
Thomas Martinez (ERUDITE et EUR-LIVE)
Tuesday 22th march 2022, 3pm-4.30pm
The next SMDES (Monthly Seminar for Doctoral Students in Health Economics), organized remotely by ERUDITE on Teams (link), will focus on the theme:
"Optimizing geriatric assessment referral: a decision curve analysis of older cancer patients with and without frailty screening”
Adolfo GONZALEZ, Doctorant CEpiA (UPEC), associé à l'ERUDITE, boursier de l'EUR-LIVE
Monday 14th february 2022, 3pm-5pm
The next SMDES (Monthly Seminar for Doctoral Students in Health Economics), organized remotely by ERUDITE on Teams (link), will focus on the theme:
"L’effet des paiements à la coordination sur l’activité et la productivité des médecins généralistes exerçant en Maisons de santé pluriprofessionnelles"
Christophe LOUSSOUARN, Doctorant à l'ERUDITE, associé à l'IRDES
Wednesday 19th january 2022, 3pm-4.30pm
The firts SMDES (Monthly Seminar for Doctoral Students in Health Economics) of the year, organized remotely by ERUDITE on Teams (link), will focus on the theme:
"What are the drivers of the evolution of benzodiazepines consumption in France in 2020? An estimation from administrative data at municipality level"
François-Olivier BAUDOT, Doctorant à l'ERUDITE, chargé d'étude à la CNAM
Wednesday 15th December 2021, 3pm-4.30pm
The next SMDES, organized remotely by ERUDITE on Teams (link), will focus on the theme:
"How does my partner’s disability affect my career path? A European study"
Justine BONDOUX, PhD student at ERUDITE
Tuesday 23rd November 2021, 4.30pm-6pm
The next SMDES (Monthly Seminar for Doctoral Students in Health Economics), organized remotely by ERUDITE on Teams (link), will focus on the theme:
“L’effet des paiements à la coordination sur l’activité et la productivité des médecins généralistes exerçant en Maisons de santé pluriprofessionnelles”
“The effect of coordination payments on the activity and productivity of GPs practising in multi-professional health centres”
Christophe LOUSSOUARN, PhD student at ERUDITE, affiliated with IRDES
Wednesday 20th October 2021, 3pm-4.30pm
The next SMDES, organized remotely by ERUDITE on Teams (link), will focus on the theme:
"Disability insurance and financial incentive: evidence from France"
Naomie MAHMOUDI, PhD student at ERUDITE and at the Labor Chair PSE, Gustave Eiffel University
Monday 27th September 2021, 4.30pm-6pm
We will gather for the first SMDES, organised remotely by ERUDITE on Teams (link), on the theme:
"Health Resilience of older Europeans and Americans after the Great Recession: an international comparison"
Thomas MARTINEZ, PhD student at ERUDITE, Ecole Universitaire de Recherche LIVE, UPEC
Tuesday 18th May 2021, 10.30am-12pm
We will gather for the next SMDES, organised remotely by ERUDITE on Teams (link), on the theme:
"Impact du handicap sur la trajectoire professionnelle du conjoint. Une analyse européenne"
"Impact of disability on the professional trajectory of the spouse. A European analysis"
Justine BONDOUX, PhD student at ERUDITE
Thursday 1st April 2021, 2pm-3.30pm
We will gather for the next SMDES organised remotely by ERUDITE on Teams (link), on the theme:
"Les maisons de santé pluriprofessionnelles peuvent-elles réduire le recours aux urgences ?"
"Can multi-professional health centres reduce the use of emergency rooms?"
Anne-Marie KONOPKA, PhD student at ERUDITE and at the MGEN Foundation for Public Health
Monday 8th March 2021, 9am-10.30am
We will gather for the next SMDES organised remotely by ERUDITE on Teams (link), on the theme:
"Les quotas d'emploi de travailleurs handicapés sont-ils un moyen efficace d'inclusion professionnelle?"
"Are employment quotas for disabled workers an effective means of occupational inclusion?"
Louise-Philomène MBAYE, PhD student at ERUDITE
Monday 1st February 2021, 10.30am-12pm
We will gather for the next SMDES organised remotely by ERUDITE on Teams (link), on the theme:
"Real-Life Implementation and Survival Outcomes of Geriatric-Assessment-Based Guidelines for Treatment Decision in Older Patients with Prostate Cancer: a Cohort Study"
Adolfo GONZALEZ-SERRANO, PhD student at the CEpiA (Clinical Epidemiology and Ageing), IMRB, U955 Inserm and affiliated with ERUDITE
Tuesday 19th January 2021, 10.30am-12pm
We will gather for the next SMDES organised remotely by ERUDITE on Teams (link), on the theme:
"Discrimination en raison du handicap moteur dans l'accès à l'emploi : une expérimentation en Ile-de-France"
"Discrimination on the basis of motor disability in access to employment: an experiment in Ile-de-France"
Naomie MAHMOUDI, PhD student at ERUDITE